SUNSETS ON SUNDAYSOn Sundays, you want to lounge under the setting sun with a sparkling glass of Merlot. A breeze will blow an array of dead leaves your way…Feb 18, 2021Feb 18, 2021
Published inNotes to a Young ArtistPiet Mondrian’s “Grande Composizione”: What makes an object art? 22, 2020May 22, 2020
Published inNotes to a Young ArtistEntrance-dream sculpture, Nairobi Gallery, Nairobi, KenyaThe Nairobi Gallery part of the Nairobi National Museum is a couple of towering greek pillars supporting an arched entryway under which…May 12, 2020May 12, 2020
Published inNotes to a Young ArtistTinga Tinga: Stories of AfricaImmediately underneath the point where my bed’s headboard contacts the wall, lies a painting of stick maasai figures about a metre long…May 5, 20201May 5, 20201
Published inNotes to a Young ArtistCynthia MchechuFilling out Snapchat Bingos has established that Cynthia is a smart but dumb kid. She is embarrassingly tardy, she has no talent when it…May 1, 2020May 1, 2020